Navigating Co-Founder Conflict

Stop letting personal battles risk your business’ success. Navigate conflict, rebuild trust, and become powerful allies again in building your company together.

Do any of these sound familiar?

Co-founder conflict is responsible for 65% of startup failures.

When the relationship that was meant to drive your business forward becomes a constant struggle, everything you’ve worked so hard for can start to crumble, putting your company and its future at risk.

I have a structured four-phase approach to addressing cofounder conflict that creates space for:

  1. Each cofounder to be heard and understood.
  2. Identifying the true sources of the conflict.
  3. Repairing what has been lost and strengthening your bond.
  4. Creating new agreements that allow you to be allies once again.

If you're struggling with co-founder conflict, we should have a conversation.

In our 30 minute call, we will discuss your biggest relationship challenge, get clear on what you really want, and your goals for coaching.

If I can help, I will share more about my approach.