
Below are all of the guides that I've made as deeper dives on important topics.

The Five Mistakes Startups Make In Their Culture
This guide shows you the most common traps that keep startups from building an iconic company and culture + strategies for overcoming those obstacles.

Get The Guidebook for Company Culture
Every founder knows company culture is leverage. Most don’t know what to do about it. I was one of them, so I wrote the book I’d always wished for. Scale Without Losing Your Soul is 156 pages of action + examples on how to build your startup’s culture. Inside I’ll

Get Clarity
Clarity is a dead-simple operating system designed for teams struggling with tempo, missing objectives, and wanting more alignment on what matters most.

The Founder’s Guide to Coaching
When I was running my last business, I remember how confused I felt when I first considered working with a coach. Here is the guide that I wish I had.